For years we've all been accustomed to the template of the American dream: Strive through life and persevere in order to prosper in wealth, health, and relationships.
As young children, many of us hear from our parents to pay attention to school, take education seriously and plan to achieve great things so that eventually we can graduate from a higher level instution with a great JOB.
Many people question what a job is and should one consider this position a career? What are the stipulations for deciphering such? Well I have done some research and here are the definitions:
According to
1.A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one's trade, occupation, or profession.
2. A position in which one is employed
3. a) a task that must be done
b) A specified duty or responsibility
c) something resulting from or produced by work.
1. A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation
2. Doing what one does as a permanent occupation
3. A path or course
As life brings about natural progressions and transitional periods, many often find themselves in various jobs before realizing their pursuit of happiness aka career path. Everyone yearns for the opportunity, the longing, the desire to say that their 9 to 5 doesnt feel like WORK per se because they can wake up with a smile as they prepare for their day, knowing that their passionate fuels an existence of positive energy for their life's pursuit.
But many others often attest that passion for their job is not going to happen. It’s a faint reality, a movie’s happy ending; a pipe dream hovered in smoke’s ashes.
I’m here to say that knowing the difference between a job and career can be the catalyst you need in life to get you moving towards your passion rather than further succumbing to the victimization of monotony.
Signs that you may be in a job Stupor:
-Getting up for work is a drag.
-You always imagine what you’d rather be doing.
-The work is not challenging enough
-The industry is of no interest to you.
Want to be free? Go from JOB to CAREER:
-Evaluate your life as it stands today. What is your actual versus ideal self? In other words, what have you achieved today (college graduate, certified trade/skill, established networks, hobbies, interests, etc.) versus what would you like to see yourself as (aspirations, dreams, short-term/long-term goals)
-Deal with reality as you pursue the unthinkable. Dreaming big is not a bad thing but real must also recognize real. With that said, do not neglect your various responsibilities. Just because you do not like your current job does not mean that quitting is the next best step. By all means, if you believe you can not take another day of the torture of doing something you hate, then ultimately you have to do what’s best for you. But remember that hasty impulses wont eliminate the fact that you have several financial obligations and other responsibilities that replenish with the wind and will not simply have common courtesy to just “up and disappear” on account of your happiness. Simply put: Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Bridge the gap between dreams and reality, considering aspirations with responsibility.
-As your journey continues, take a mental or copious note of what gets you moving. Start by observing 3-5 things daily that give you a positive, worthwhile feeling of satisfaction. Not before long, you will notice a pattern to lead to your calling.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment.